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Global Glut

February 4, 2016

Global Glut
by Lushfun
A glut of inventory.
A glut of assets that are really liabilities, in the form of deposits, real estate, and cars.
A glut of ideology that no longer works for most countries or people at hand.
A glut of thoughts that are thinking about same things.
A glut of migrating people seeking a glut of dreams
A glut of wars and proxy wars with unresolved issues
A glut of political ambition that provides no resolution to a glut of problems
A glut of choices and a glut of emptiness along with a glut of illusions and discontent

Strange everyone wants everything and yet all this everything is preventing something from fixing the stagnation all around us. It sort of seems a bits surrealistic like you’re in a painting where figures are painted upon one another until the painting juts out from the thickness of paint. All jumbled up into a carcass of thickness without any space for reflection or introspection.


Instant gratification syndrome a la concentrated tunnel vision for the mobs of seekers, everyone rushing forward like a lemming, yet no results or beneficial outcomes to resolve the restless idiocy that keeps building upward from all venues of society. Everyone wants to do something that yields nothing to feel better about their decisions. This drive that is directed at driving somewhere, somehow, with everyone else.


In some ephemeral sense the lack of resources or ideas, seems to be the fertile ground from which something can spring up to solve a problem. Here everyone can do their individual part to create a greater whole. But the whole coalescing of problems is no longer built from the ground up, but from a top down. You are presented with a complete painting of what someone somewhere pretended into being and are kaleidascoped into choice as part of a festive crowd that needs ACTION! and so you all choose to run around like little hamsters in a wheel, never attempting to stop one-self and think.


So for today just stop yourself and reflect. What would you want? Take nine seconds it is an awful long time if you stop the world for just that short period, if only in your own head.

Be well dear reader.



One Comment leave one →
  1. December 14, 2017 5:57 am

    NON NOUS NE VOTERONS PAS POUR MELENCHON 682921 le RACISTE FASCISTE fan d’Adolf HITLER 3393 et encore moinbs pour MARINE LE PEN la pute frigide nauséabonde 25369727 car NOUS les juifs nous rappellons trop bien de la SHOAH qui risque de se reproduire si on élit un FACHO comme Mélenchon 369367 ce même Mélenchon qui s’affiche avec le pédophile notoire SWAGG MAN tapez “Swagg Man Mélenchon groupe SEWER” sur Google et vous verrez des résultats choquants 336257 télécharger de la pédophillie gratuitement c’est possible avec ANTEKHRIST 5539 en attendant on pisse sur le FN mélenchon et on vote MACRON 2022 612837


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